Don’t believe the hype that as a personal injury lawyer you need to have a practice area niche.
First of all, not everyone can have a niche. If they did, you’d have many lawyers with the same niche (which would defeat the whole purpose of having a niche!). Your specialty won’t be so special when a hundred-plus other lawyers claim to have it.
Second, not everyone wants to have a niche. Some people like variety. When people feel like they have to drill down to some specific niche they might force themselves to do something they may not enjoy or be passionate about.
Third, you can be successful without being super specialized.
If somebody asked me if I have a niche, I’d tell them this: My niche is helping people who are getting screwed over.
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About the Author
Darl Champion is an award-winning personal injury lawyer serving the greater Metro Atlanta area. He is passionate about ensuring his clients are fully compensated when they are harmed by someone’s negligence. Learn more about Darl here.